From December 1929, and his fiftieth birthday celebrations, Stalin consciously developed his own cult, so promoting an image of himself that helped to inspire confidence during a period of rapid change.
Stalin was universally portrayed Lenin's true disciple with slogans like, 'Stalin is the Lenin of today.' Portraits showed Marx, Lenin and Stalin in continuous progression, bringing enlightenment to the Russian people.
Paintings, posters and sculptures were produced to glorify Stalin's role as the mighty leader, father of the nation, universal genius and shining sun of humanity.
The History of the All-Union Communist Party was published as the main historical textbook for all educational institutions in 1938. In this Stalin assumed a major role in the October Revolution, while Trotsky and other old Bolsheviks were portrayed as 'enemies of the people' or assigned to minor roles.
Photographs were doctored to remove Stalin's enemies and show Stalin at the side of Lenin. This book had sold 34 million copies in the Soviet Union by 1948.
However for many a very real sense of emotional attachment to Stalin reflected a very traditional sense of loyalty to the leader. Just as the peasantry had once shown unwavering loyalty to their Tsar who could do no wrong so Stalin was seen as a Father.