Stage 3: Processing and Presenting Data:

Cards (2)

  • A Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet was used to process the data:
    1. Each group entered their data into a single spreadsheet
    2. The Spreadsheet was used to calculate the mean size of the bedload and average velocity at each site
    3. The spreadsheet helped us calculate the difference in the load size and velocity between site 1 and 6 (overall change downstream)
    The spreadsheet saved time performing calculations and ensured that the data was accurate.
  • Presenting data (using ICT)
    We presented our data using scatter graphs. they were appropriate because they illustrate the relationship (correlation) between two continuous variables (e.g distance downstream (x axis) and bedload size/velocity (y axis)). A line of best fit could be added to illustrate a positive / negative correlation. This aided our analysis of the primary data collected.