Evaluation AAM

Cards (4)

  • Mediating effects:
    -Personality traits such as impulsivity, extroversion and neuroticism. e.g. people with high neuroticism tend to score highly on the intense - personal level aspects of the CAS.
    -McCutcheon found links between impulsivity and sensation-seeking traits are linked with addictive behaviours and PSR’s.
  • takes a pathological approach to explaining and understanding PSR’s.
    -It views them negatively as a form of mental illness similar to addiction.
    -Contrasts to the ‘positive/active‘ view of PSR which approaches them positively as a form of relationship which gives meaning, purpose and brings positive qualities for the individual.
  • -Maltby et al investigated the relationship between poor mental health and celebrity worship. PP completed the CAS (celebrity attitudes scale) and general health questionnaire (GHQ). Measure of general psychological health.
    -Correlation found between CAS and GHQ which means a cause or effect relationship cannot be established.
    -Also use of self-report means susceptible to SDB which lacks validity.
  • -Maltby assessed males and females aged 14-16. They were particularly interested in females who were engaged in an intense personal relationship with a celebrity whose body shape they admired. They found that in these relationships the girls often had a poor/low self-esteem and may have a risk of an eating disorder.
    -This research supports the absorption-addiction model as it found a significant association between poor psychological health and level of engagement in PSR.