
Cards (5)

  • What is a weakness? (poor coordination)
    -S and e described first few weeks as asocial.
    -babies this young however have poor coordination and are pretty much immobile
    -therefore it can be difficult to make any judgements about the purpose of behaviour
  • What is another weakness (timing of multiple attachments)
    -however there is conflicting evidence on the timing of multiple attachments
    -bowlby argues that infants form a single attachment to their carer rather than multiple attachments (monotropic relationship)
    -therefore may be multiple explanations for attachment formation
  • What is another weakness(culture and multiple carers)
    -Van ijzendoorn believes that culture plays a part in how and when we form attachments and with whom.
    -in many non-western societies babies have multiple carers as this is the norm and so multiple attachments are formed from the outset.
    -this contradicts s and e
  • what is another weakness (issue in how multiple attachments are measured and assessed)
    -just bc an infant gets distressed when someone leaves the room does not mean that the person is a true attachment.
    -e.g Bowlby states that children have playmates and a chlid might be upset when they leave but that does not indicate attachment.
    -therefore we must be careful in analysis
  • What is another weakness (research support)
    -Carpenter (1975) found that two week old infants looked at faces for longer when it was accompanied with the mother's voice rather than an unfamiliar one
    -we also know that babies have some innate abilities to recognise their mother after birth (Kisilevsky et al 2003)
    -this suggests that infants are attached to their mothers at an earlier age than s and e suggested