Harlow A01

Cards (7)

  • What did Harlow want to study
    -the mechanisms by which new born rhesus monkeys bond to their mothers
  • Harlow reared some monkeys in isolation? What happened to them?
    -some died others were frightened and behaved in an abnormal manner.
    -they could not interact with other monkeys even when they were older
  • Others were reared with surrogate mothers
    -8 monkeys were seperated from their mothers immediately after birth and placed in cages with access to two surrogate mothers one made of wire and one covered in towelling cloth
    -four could get milk from the wire mother and four from the cloth mother
    -the animals were studied for 165 days
  • What were the findings
    -both groups of monkeys spent more time with the cloth mother even if she had no milk
    -infant would only go to wire mother when hungry
    -once fed it would return to the cloth mother and the cloth mother was also used as a safe base(it reduced the youngsters fears)
  • what were some behavioural differences that Harlow observed between the monkeys who had grown up with surrogate mothers and those with normal mothers?
    -they were much more timid and didnt know how to act with other monkeys
    -easily bullied and would'nt stand up for themselves
    -had difficulties mating
    -the females were inadequate mothers
  • what did Harlow conclude
    -for a monkey to develop normally it must have some interaction with an object to which they can cling during the first months of life (critical period)
    -he found it was social deprivation rather than maternal that the young monkeys were suffering from
  • How did Harlow know it was social deprivation
    -when he brought some other infant monkeys up on their own but with 20 minutes a day in a playroom with three other monkeys he found that they grew up to be quite normal emotionally and socially