Property Dualism

Cards (8)

  • Physical substance can have two kinds or properties
    • Physical properties - material
    • Mental properties - immaterial
  • Property: A quality of a substance which is contingent upon it
    Substance: something that can exist on its own
  • Physical and non-physical substances
    • types of thing
    • chair (physical) soul (non—physical)
  • Property Dualism
    • matter can have two properties - mental and physical
    • physical = physical, material
    • mental = non-physical, immaterial
    • consciousness is real but not substantial (its own substance), cannot exist without a living brain
    • property dualists believe in one type of substance but two types of properties
    • mental states and physical states can supervene on each other
  • Advantage over substance dualism
    • explains why having a mind depends upon having a brain
    • mental states are properties and cannot exist on their own
  • Arguments for property dualism
    1. Leibniz’s machine
    2. philosophical zombies
    3. Mary’s room
  • Arguments for property dualism - general idea
    • You can know all the physical facts about something without knowing anything about the mental facts
    • there is more to the mental than just physical facts
  • Leibniz Machine
    • we can know, physically, how a brain thinks, senses and perceives yet this wouldn’t give an explanation of conscious states and how they Come about
    • Leibniz likens this to a machine that thinks, senses and perceives- if you could enter all you would find are parts that push and move but nothing that explains perception
    • Brain and consciousness work the same way
    • Physicalism is an incomplete account of what is in the world - need to posit non-physical entity