total fertility rate: proportion of women who are of child bearing age (15-44)
the changes in fertility and birth rates reflect that
more women are remaining childless than in thee past
women are postponing having children
dependency ratio: relationship between the size of the working part of the population and the size of the non working or dependant part of the population
reasons for the decline in birth rate
Changes in women’s position
Decline in the infant mortality rate
Children are now an economic liability
Child centredness
deaths - the death rate had began falling from about 1870 and continued to do so until 1930 it rose slightly during the 1930s and 1940s (Great Depression) followed by ww11 but since 1950s it has declined slightly
reasons for the the decline in the death rate
improved nutrition
medical improvements
smoking and diet
public health measures
class,gender and regional differences
women generally live longer than men
Similarly, those living in the north or Scotland have lower life expectancy
walker (2011) those living in the poorest areas of England die on average 7 years earlier than those in the richest areas, while the average difference in disability free life expectancy in 17 years
Ageing population is caused by 3 factors
Increasing life expectancy
Declining infant mortality
Declining fertility
immigration-refers to movement into a society
emigration-refers to the movement out
net migration- is the differences between number of immigrants and the number of emigrants
main reasons for emigration
push factors- such as economic recession
pull factors - such as higher wages or better opportunities abroad
Reasons for the decline in birth rate
Changes in women’s position
Decline in infant mortality rate
children are now an economic liability
child centredness
Changes in women’s position
Legal equality with men, including the right to vote
Increased educational opportunities -girls now do better at school than boys
more women are in paid employment
Changes in attitudes towards family life
Easier access to divorce
Access to abortion and reliable contraception
During the fifth half of the 20th century the uks Infant mortality rate Began to fall. This was due to several reasons
Improved housing and better sanitation (flush toilets and clean drinking water )
Better nutrition
Better knowledge of hygiene
Fall in the number of married women working may have improved their health and their babies
improved services for mothers and babies such as antenatal and postnatal clinics
What is the study of population and its characteristics called?