evidence that SZ is biological (and therefore partly genetic), particularly suggesting it runs in families
Gottesman and Shields1966 graph showed strong empirical evidence that the more genes two individuals share (highest is MZ twins 48% and lowest in general population 1%), the higher the risk of developing SZ - support geneticbasis
Gottesman and Shields 1991 also showed highconcordance rates of SZ in MZ - 48% and DZ - 17% - twin studies show a genetic link
what is a limitation of genetic basis of SZ?
however, MZ twins share 100% of genes so it would be assumed that is one had SZ the other would too, but G&S showed only a 48% risk so maybe genes aren't the only factor
perhaps a more holistic explanation like the diathesis-stress model would be better as it argues genes play a role in creating a predisposition to SZ, but symptoms won't develop unless triggered by a stressor (interactionist, both nature and nurture) - better as nature and nurture don't work in isolation in reallife
what is a further point about Gottesman and Shields findings?
high risk of SZ in MZ twins may be due to nurture not genetics - due to MZ twins being identical, there is an increased similarity in upbringing compared to DZ twins which would explain the highconcordance rates, rather than sharedgenetics
what is support/limitation for the dopamine hypothesis?
Curran et al 2004 - amphetamines induce SZ-like states in non-SZ individuals and exacerbate symptoms in SZs, drugs activate dopamine systems in brain and can induce similarsymptoms in non-sufferers - suggests underlying cause of SZ is an excess of dopamine
However, if this is correct, drugs that reduce levels of dopamine should stop SZ - its been found that antipsychotic drugs (antagonist of dopamine) only reduce all of symptoms in 20% of patients
suggests the cause of SZ isn't completelybiological and other factors may be involved
how is RWA a strength of neural correlates?
development of anti-psychotic drugs like chlorpromazine which reduces symptoms of SZ by inhibiting dopamine transmission
Thornley - antipsychotic drugs associated with better functioning and reduced symptom severity compared with a placebo
further evidence which validates the dopamine hypothesis, if drugs that control levels of dopamine then cause a reduction in SZ symptoms, it can be suggested that dopamine is linked to development of SZ
what is a limitation of neural correlates?
can't establish an accurate cause and effect relationship
is the raised dopamine levels the cause of SZ, or is the raised dopamine a result of SZ?
In research it is not clear which comes first, as research focuses on patients who have already been diagnosed with SZ
therefore, as we have no information about the patients pre-diagnosis, we need to be careful when establishing cause and effect relationships in SZ patients in relation to dopamine