What was the aim of Ainsworth's 1970 Strange Situation study?
To observe infantattachment behaviours + identify different attachment styles
What was the sample of Ainsworth's 1970 Strange Situation study?
100middle-class American infants 12-18 months old
What was the method of Ainsworth's 1970 Strange Situation study?
IV = different stages of observation
DV = infants' reactions to different stages of observation
What was the procedure of Ainsworth's 1970 Strange Situation study?
Controlledobservation in novel environment
Caregiver + child enter room with 2-waymirror + cameras = enables observation of child's behaviours
Child put through series of mildlystressful scenarios = security of attachment to primary caregiver can be determined
Being approached by stranger
Left alone with stranger
Left alone
Exploration, proximityseeking, reunionbehaviours, stranger/separationanxiety measured -> tallied on behavioural category
What was the findings of Ainsworth's 1970 Strange Situation study?
Insecure-avoidant (22%):
Willingness to explore = high
Stranger anxiety = low
Separation anxiety = little/moderate
Reunion behaviour = avoidscontact
Secure (66%):
Willingness to explore = highest
Stranger anxiety = moderate
Separation anxiety = some
Reunion behaviour = enthusiastic
Insecure-resistant (12%):
Willingness to explore = low
Stranger anxiety = high
Separation anxiety = immediatedistress
Reunion behaviour = seeks PG's presence but rejectscomfort offered
What are the conclusions of Ainsworth's 1970 Strange Situation study?
Mother'ssensitivity = key factor in deciding child's attachmenttype
Responsive mother -> infant knows they can rely on caregiver = secure attachment
Lessresponsive mother -> infant doesn'tknow if they can rely on caregiver = insecure-avoidant attachment
Unresponsive + impatient mother -> infant neverknowing if their needs will be met = insecure-resistant attachment
What were the strengths of Ainsworth's 1970 Strange Situation study?
Ainsworth et al. (1978) -> inter-raterreliability assessed using objectivebehaviouralcategories = inter-rated study had +0.94 correlation to original study
High externalreliability -> Main et al. (1985) = same children tested later + still had samepersonalitytypes
High levels of control = extraneousvariables controlled = no confoundingvariables affecting DV = internal reliability
What were the weaknesses of Ainsworth's 1970 Strange Situation study?