Mrs Lyons

Cards (10)

  • 1 "we bought such a large house for the children... He wanted his own son" (Mrs confiding in Mrs J)
  • 2 "you're being threatened by the welfare" (concinsing to give child)
  • 3 "we both think it would be better if you left" (firing Mrs J)
  • 4 "if either twin learns that he was a pair, they shall both immediately die" (creates superstition)
  • 5 "you learn filth from them... You are my son, mine" (Mrs L being possessive)
  • 6 "but we have got to move, Richard. Because if we stay something terrible will happen, something bad" (Mrs L wants to move)
  • 7 "you have ruined me. But you won't ruin Edward! Is it money you want" (Mrs J ana Mrs L meeting again)
  • 8 "has a lethal looking kitchen knife in her hand. Mrs J, unaware, has her back to her" (attack)
  • 9 "she turns mickey round and points out Edward and Linda" (affair)
  • 10 "his mother couldn't have kids. I agreed to give one of you away" (truth revealed)