Cards (73)

  • What family does the genus Vibrio belong to?
  • What shape are Vibrio bacteria?
    Curved or comma-shaped bacilli
  • Are Vibrio bacteria Gram-positive or Gram-negative?
  • What is a characteristic motility feature of Vibrio bacteria?
    Highly motile
  • What type of test do Vibrio bacteria test positive for?
    Oxidase positive
  • What antigens do Vibrio bacteria possess?
    Both H & O antigens
  • What is the natural habitat of Vibrio bacteria?
    Marine environment
  • Which species of Vibrio is the main pathogenic species?
    1. V.cholerae
  • What disease does V. cholerae cause?
  • How is cholera transmitted?
    Ingestion of contaminated water
  • What is a common source of cholera outbreaks?
    Poor sanitation practices
  • How many serogroups of V. cholerae are there?
    Approximately 200
  • Which serogroups of V. cholerae are associated with epidemics?
    O1 and O139
  • What are the classifications of the O1 serogroup?
    Ogawa, Inaba, and Hikojima
  • What is required to elicit an infection from Vibrio?
    A high infectious dose
  • How do Vibrio bacteria adhere to intestinal cells?
    Via pili
  • What allows Vibrio to survive in the acidic stomach environment?
    Production of proteases which dissolves protective glycoprotein coating cells
  • What is the function of cholera toxin (CT)?
    It activates adenyl cyclase
  • What is the result of cholera toxin's action?
    Accumulation of cAMP
  • What type of diarrhea is caused by cholera?
    Non-inflammatory diarrhea
  • What are the clinical features of cholera?
    Watery, profuse odorless diarrhea
    Cardiac and renal failure may result due to loss of fluid and electrolytes
  • What can result from massive fluid and electrolyte loss in cholera?
    Cardiac and renal failure
  • What specimen is used for laboratory isolation of Vibrio?
    Rice water stool
  • What medium is used for transporting Vibrio specimens?
    Cary-Blair transport medium
  • What is observed in microscopy for Vibrio identification?
    Darting motility in wet preparation
  • What is the enrichment medium for Vibrio?
    Alkaline peptone water
  • What is the colonial morphology of Vibrio on TCBS agar?
    Yellow colonies
  • What is the Gram stain result for Vibrio colonies?
    Gram-negative curved rods
  • What biochemical test result is positive for Vibrio?
    Oxidase positive
  • What is the primary treatment for cholera?
    Prompt rehydration
  • What antibiotics may be used for cholera treatment?
    Tetracyclines and erythromycin
  • Which family does Campylobacter belong to?
  • Which species of Campylobacter causes most illnesses?
    1. C.jejuni and C. coli
  • What is the appearance of Campylobacter bacteria?
    Seagull appearance
  • What type of motion do Campylobacter bacteria exhibit?
    Corkscrew motion
  • What are the oxygen requirements for Campylobacter?
  • What temperature do Campylobacter thrive at?
  • What is the Gram stain result for Campylobacter?
    Gram-negative curved rods
  • Where is C. jejuni commonly found?
    Digestive tract of avian species
  • How is Campylobacter transmitted?
    Raw or undercooked food products