Cards (34)

  • What mnemonic is used to remember H. pylori?
    Dirty pile of clothes
  • What color are the walls in the H. pylori scene?
  • What does the pink color of the walls signify?
    1. H.pylori is a gram-negative organism
  • What shape is H. pylori?
    Curved bacillus
  • What does the mustache on the stepdad represent?
    1. H.pylori is a curved bacillus
  • What does the flag on the wall indicate about H. pylori?
    It is flagellated and motile
  • What does the hematoxylin and eosin stain show?
    Curved bacilli adjacent to gastric mucosa
  • What is pathognomonic for H. pylori?
    Organisms adjacent to gastric mucosa
  • Why is the H&E stain not as reliable?
    It may not show pink or red organisms
  • What type of stain is often used for H. pylori?
    Silver-based stains
  • What does the silver plate with silverware represent?
    1. H.pylori can be diagnosed with silver stains
  • Where does H. pylori colonize?
    The antrum of the stomach
  • What does the cat on the pile of clothes signify?
    1. H.pylori is catalase positive
  • What does the yellow streak of urine indicate?
    1. H.pylori is urease positive
  • How does H. pylori survive in the acidic stomach?
    It produces ammonia to create an alkaline environment
  • What does the blue necklace worn by the mom represent?
    1. H.pylori is oxidase positive
  • What does the red stain on the blanket symbolize?
    1. H.pylori causes peptic ulcer disease
  • What does the gas cloud represent?
    1. H.pylori can cause chronic gastritis
  • What does the cancer hope ribbon symbolize?
    1. H.pylori can cause gastric carcinoma
  • What does the malt shake represent?
    1. H.pylori can cause malt lymphoma
  • How is H. pylori diagnosed?
    With a urease breath test
  • What does the urease breath test exploit?
    1. H.pylori converts urea into CO2 and ammonia
  • What is the treatment for H. pylori?
    Triple therapy: amoxicillin, clarithromycin, PPI
  • What does the vacuum represent in the treatment of H. pylori?
    1. H.pylori can be treated with proton pump inhibitors
  • What does the ammo belt signify in the treatment of H. pylori?
    1. H.pylori should be treated with amoxicillin
  • What does the clarinet represent in the treatment of H. pylori?
    1. H.pylori should be treated with clarithromycin
  • What are the components of the triple therapy for H. pylori treatment?
    • Amoxicillin
    • Clarithromycin
    • Proton pump inhibitor
  • What is the most likely cause of the patient's symptoms in the case study?
    Nsaid use leading to peptic ulcer disease
  • Why is it important to consider other causes of peptic ulcer disease?
    Chronic NSAID use is a major cause
  • What does black tarry stools indicate?
    Upper GI bleed due to peptic ulcer
  • What symptoms suggest anemia and hypovolemia in the patient?
    Tachycardia and hypotension
  • Why is the correct answer to the case study B?
    Chronic NSAID use is highly suggestive
  • What should you beware of when diagnosing a bleeding ulcer?
    Consider other causes like NSAID use
  • What is the final conclusion about H. pylori from the material?
    1. H.pylori is a significant cause of peptic ulcers