Haemophilus Influenzae

Cards (44)

  • What does H flu stand for?
    Haemophilus influenzae
  • What type of organism is H.influenzae?
    Gram-negative organism
  • What color does H flu appear in a Gram stain?
    Red or pink
  • What shapes can H flu exhibit?
    Coccoid and bacilli shapes
  • What is the classification of H flu?
    Gram-negative coccobacillus
  • What is one of the virulence factors of H flu?
    IgA protease
  • On what type of agar does H flu grow?
    Chocolate agar
  • What is chocolate agar made from?
    Heated blood agar with lysed red blood cells
  • What factors are supplied by lysed red blood cells in chocolate agar?
    Factor 5 and Factor 10
  • How can H flu grow on traditional blood agar?
    By being near hemolytic organisms like staph aureus
  • What does the starfish on Pamela's desk represent?
    Factor 5
  • What is another name for Factor 5?
    Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD)
  • What is another name for Factor 10?
  • What does the sign saying "ten rules of the office" represent?
    Factor 10
  • How is H flu classified based on capsule production?
    Typable and non-typable strains
  • What are typable strains of H flu?
    Strains that produce a capsule
  • Why are typable strains more invasive?
    They resist phagocytosis
  • What are non-typable strains of H flu?
    Strains that do not produce a capsule
  • What does the "please respect property" sign represent?
    Poly ribose ribitol phosphate (PRP)
  • What does the jello surrounding the stapler symbolize?
    A capsule surrounding a bacterium
  • What is the vaccine for H flu type B(typeable strains) known as?
    H flu type B (Hib) vaccine
    Effective for those strains with a polysaccharide capsule.
  • What does the Hib vaccine contain?
    Type B capsular polysaccharide conjugated to a protein
  • What does the Hib vaccine induce?
    T cell dependent memory
  • What diseases are caused by the type B strain of H flu?
    Epiglottitis, septic arthritis, meningitis
  • What is the thumb sign associated with?
    Lateral neck x-ray in epiglottitis
  • What does a cherry red epiglottis indicate?
    Inflammation in epiglottitis
  • What does the character Creed represent?
    Hib causes meningitis
  • What is the treatment for H flu infections?
    Rifampin prophylaxis for close contacts
  • What prophylaxis should be given for close contacts of meningitis?
  • What do non-typable strains of H flu cause?
    Sinusitis, acute otitis media, conjunctivitis
  • What does James's broken keyboard symbolize?
    Non-typable strains of H flu
  • What does the smoke rising from James's keyboard represent?
    Aerosol transmission of H flu
  • What does James's red eyes symbolize?
    Conjunctivitis caused by non-typable strains
  • What are the treatment options for non-typable strains of H flu?
    Amoxicillin and clavulanic acid
  • What virulence factor allows H flu to grow near Staphylococcus aureus?
    Poly ribose ribitol phosphate
  • What is the significance of the character Duane in the office scene?
    He represents the importance of PRP
  • What does the character Michael's laughter represent?
    Non-seriousness of H flu infections
  • What does the character James's gaming represent?
    Non-typable strains causing acute otitis media
  • What does the character Creed's sickle represent?
    Increased risk of Hib infections in asplenic patients
  • What does the character James's headphones symbolize?
    Acute otitis media caused by non-typable strains