Minority influence

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  • Minority influence is where a person or small group minority persuades others to adapt their beliefs and attitudes.
  • For a minority to influence the majority they must display
    • Consistency
    • Commitment
    • Flexibility
  • Consistency – minorities must be consistent in their views – keep saying the same message Synchronic consistency – they all say the same thing at the same time. Dychronic consistency - saying it for overtime.
  • Commitment- the minority must demonstrate commitment to Their cause or views . Extreme activities risk sacrifice present risk to minorities to show greater commitment – argumentation principle majority considers the views they don’t worry about the consequences.
  • Flexibility- Nemeth argued that consistency is not the only important factor in minority influence as it can be off putting someone whose extremely consistent can come across rigid and become unlikely to gain influence of majority . Members of the minority need to adapt and their views and accept reasonable and valid counter arguments and balance consistency and flexibility.
  • Flexibility- Nemeth argued that consistency is not the only important factor in minority influence as it can be off putting someone whose extremely consistent can come across rigid and become unlikely to gain influence of majority . Members of the minority need to adapt and their views and accept reasonable and valid counter arguments and balance consistency and flexibility.
  • Explaining the process of changes – the snowball effect where the minority influences the majority through consistency . Commitment and flexibility .