Social change is when a society adapts a new belief or way of believing that then becomes widely accepted as the normMinority influence - a role in social change e.g. civil rights movement USA.
• Draw attention – civil rights marches
In the 1950’s black and whitesegregation applied to all parts of America. There were black neighborhoods and in southern states of America places such as schools and restaurants were exclusive to whites.The civil rights marches of this period drew attention to this situation, providing social proof of the problem
• Consistency – present consistent message and intent
Civil rights activists
Represented a minority of The American population, But their position Remained consistent. Millions of people took Part in many marchers Over several years, always Representing the same Non-aggressive messages
• Deeper processing – others think more deeply of the issue People genuinely begin to think about the Issue, as it creates a conflict in their minds The activism meant that many people who Had simply accepted the current matters Begin to think deeply about the uniqueness Of it.
• Argumentation principle – taking a risk
Individual risked their lived numerous times. For example, the ‘freedom riders’
were mixed racial groups who boarded buses in the south, challenging racial segregation of transport. Many freedom rider were beaten. This personal risk indicates a strong belief and reinforces their message.
• Snowball effect – minority grows to become majority The snowball effect is a psychological term that Explains how small actions can cause bigger and Bigger actions, ultimately resulting in a big impact.Activists e.g Martin Luther King gradually got the Attention of the US government. More and More People backed the minority position. In 1964 the US Civil Rights Act prohibited discrimination, marking a Change.
In 1955, Rosa Parks, broke the laws of segregation and Refused to give up her seat at the front of the bus for a White man. Only white passengers could sit at the Front, whilst African Americans had to find seats at the Back. She knew she was going to be arrested, and Indeed she was. This was seen to be the start of the Civil Rights Movement in America.
• Social cryptomnesia – people forget source of change. Once social change has occurred, we forget That the majority was once the minority. We accept that things have changed without Really considering where this may have come From.
ConformityNormative social influence – people change their behaviour because they believe the majority are to
Obedience – gradual commitment – people obey instructions 1 step at a time