Cards (10)

  • What is revenue?
    The total amount of income/money businesses receive from selling their units
  • How is Total Revenue calculated?
    Price per unit X Qty sold
  • What is the Average Revenue similar to?
    The Demand Curve
  • How is Average Revenue calculated?
    Basically price p/unit. So: Total Revenue/Qty
  • What is Marginal Revenue?
    The change in income from selling an additional unit
  • Marginal Revenue formula
    Change in TR/ Change in Qty
  • When does a business maximise Total Revenue?
    When the Marginal revenue is equal to 0
  • How does revenue behave in perfect competition?
    • The firm is a price taker:
    Every unit is sold at the same price
    • Product is perfectly price elastic:
    A higher price would decrease sales to 0
    A lower price would result in all sellers lowering their price
    • TR increases at a constant rate
    • MR=AR=Demand
  • How does revenue behave in imperfect competition?
    • The firm is a price-maker
    For MR to increase, AR must decrease
    AR and MR fall with additional sales
    When AR falls, the MR falls by twice as much
    • AR is the Demand curve
    • When MR =0 (maximisation of revenue) then PED = 1
  • What is the Total Revenue Rule?
    To maximise revenue, firms should:
    • Increase the price of inelastic products
    • Decrease the price of elastic products