Studies into coding, capacity and duration demonstrate differences between STM and LTM. They support MSM's view that two memory stores are different and independent
KF's Short Term Memory for digits was very poor when read out loud to him but his recall was better when he read the digits himself. Further studies of KF and other people with amnesia showed there could be another store for non-verbal sounds
Limitation to MSM because there has to be one STM store to process visual information and other store to process auditory information which contradicts the unitary STM theory
A memory technique that involves thinking about the meaning of the term to be remembered, as opposed to simply repeating the word to yourself over and over which transfers information from STM into LTM. This cannot be explained by the model
Lots of research studies that provide support for MSM used digits, letter and even consonants which has no meaning to the ppts. Useful things like people's faces, names, places and facts should be used
Lots of research that LTM is not a unitary store. For example, we may have one store which contains facts about the world while another store which contains our memories of our first time riding a bike