Shallice and Warrington study on KF patient who suffered brain damage. After brain damage, KF had poor STM stability for verbal information but could process visual information normally presented visually
Baddeley et al showed ppts had more difficulty doing 2 visual tasks (tracking a light and describing the letter F) than doing a visual and verbal task at some time
Increased difficulty because both visual tasks compete for the same slave system whereas, verbal and visual tasks house no competition. Means there must be separate SSs that produces visual input
Baddeley himself said the CE is the least understood component of memory. The CE needs to be more specific and clear rather than simply bring known as 'attention
Studies of the word length effect support the phonological loop
Baddeley et al demonstrated how people find it more difficult to remember a list of long words rather than short words. This is called the word length effect
The word length effect disappears if person given articulatory suppression task: repetitive task that ties up the articulatory process: doing a task while singing
Researchers found greater activity in left prefrontal cortex. When task difficulty increased, the activity in the this area increased. Demand on CE increased so it works harder to fulfil its function