Ethical issues

Cards (9)

  • Ethical issues: These arise when conflict exists between the rights of participants in research studies and the goals of research to produce authentic, valid and worthwhile data.
  • BPS code of ethics: A quasi-legal document produced by the british psychological society that instructs psychologists on what is and isn’t acceptable when dealing with participants. The code is built around respect, competence, responsibility and integrity.
  • Informed consent: The participants should be aware of the aims of the research, procedures and rights. They should then make an informed judgement on if they want to take part. From a researchers perspective this could make the research meaningless as it could introduce demand characteristic.
  • Deception: Deliberately misleading or withholding information from the participants. There are occasions when it may seem justified to be deceptive people as to not introduce demand characteristics.
  • Protection for harm: Participants should not be placed at any more risk than they would in their daily lives. This includes the, feeling embarrassed or being placed under stress.
  • Privacy & Confidentiality: They have the right to control information about themselves and have any personal data protected.
  • Dealing with informed consent: They should be given a form detailing all relevant info, they must agree to be in the study. Those under 16 need parental consent.
  • Dealing with protection from harm: Participants must be given a full debrief and made aware of the true aims of the study. They must also be told what their data is being used for. They must also be offered therapy if needed.
  • Dealing with confidentiality: Participants must be referred to as a number not their name, their data must be protected.