Promising Young Woman (Fennell, 2020)

Cards (40)

  • Who directed the film "Promising Young Woman"?
    Emerald Fennell
  • What year was "Promising Young Woman" released?
  • What are the core study areas for "Promising Young Woman"?
    • Key elements of form
    • Meaning and response
    • Contexts
  • What is the main story of "Promising Young Woman" about?
    It explores Cassie's anger and grief after Nina's assault
  • How does Carey Mulligan describe the film?
    As ‘A beautifully wrapped candy, poisonous’
  • What are the useful sequences and timings in "Promising Young Woman"?
    • Opening scene: 00:00-08:00
    • Rom-com montage: 01:03-01:06
    • Cassie the nurse: 01:20-01:33
  • What are the key elements of film form in "Promising Young Woman"?
    • Cinematography
    • Mise-en-scène
    • Editing
    • Sound
    • Performance
  • What does the slow pan up Cassie’s body signify in cinematography?
    It fetishises her look of ‘perfection’
  • What does the camera tracking in during Cassie's traps convey?
    It conveys a sense of entrapment
  • What does the push in and push out of the camera during the phone scene represent?
    It distances the audience from Cassie's reaction
  • How does Cassie use costume in the film?
    As a weapon and a mask
  • What does Cassie’s ‘day look’ of pastels represent?
    It serves as a playful misdirect
  • How does Cassie's white privilege affect her in the film?
    It allows her to manoeuvre without suspicion
  • What does Cassie’s childhood bedroom symbolize?
    Outward features of feminine expectations
  • What does the suitcase represent in the film?
    A message from her parents for Cassie to leave
  • What does Cassie’s notebook symbolize?
    Her deep anger and feminine touch
  • How are the bars depicted in the film?
    As neon-clad enclosed spaces, a trap
  • What does the rom-com montage signify in the film?
    It is typical of the romantic comedy genre
  • How does the music in Cassie’s first trap differ from typical soundtracks?
    It resembles horror film music, breaking the fourth wall
  • What does the juxtaposition of the pop soundtrack with horror music represent?
    It echoes Cassie’s emotional state and humour
  • How does Fennell cast actors in "Promising Young Woman"?
    Known lovable actors as predators, reversing tropes
  • What does the fourth wall break at 8 minutes signify?
    It alerts the audience to Cassie’s awareness
  • What are the representations questioned in "Promising Young Woman"?
    • Focus on male experience
    • Hollywood's representation of seduction
    • Repetitive lines from men
  • What role does Laverne Cox play in the film?
    Gail, a supportive character for Cassie
  • What typical drives of female characters does Cassie declare she wants?
    Yoga class, kids, a job to brag about
  • What does the aesthetic of sweet candy pastels suggest?
    It creates a feminine and claustrophobic feel
  • What symbols surround Cassie in the film?
    Angel wings, halos, and martyr symbols
  • How does the aesthetic change when Cassie hears of Al's return?
    It takes a darker turn
  • What does the phrase "Promising Young Man" signify culturally?
    Judgements favoring male perpetrators of violence
  • What political context surrounds "Promising Young Woman"?
    Made during the Trump era and #metoo movement
  • What significant increase occurred in the US murder rate in 2020?
    30% increase attributed to pandemic trauma
  • Who funded "Promising Young Woman"?
    LuckyChap Entertainment
  • What perspective does Emerald Fennell provide in her films?
    • Views through a powerful, angry woman
    • Made through a female lens
  • How does the film challenge the objectification of women?
    By making the audience gaze at Cassie’s appearance
  • What is the tone of the film's ending?
    Surprisingly playful and upbeat
  • What ideology is explored regarding women's responsibility?
    To avoid vulnerable situations and aggressors
  • How does Fennell complicate audience alignment with Cassie?
    Through her relationship with Ryan and his betrayal
  • What happens in the key sequence of Cassie the nurse (1:20 - 1:33)?
    • Cassie applies lipstick, her mask
    • All-male party environment
    • POV shots of vodka shots
    • Muffled sound from Cassie's perspective
    • Long take on a man's reaction
    • Heavenly light on Cassie in martyr pose
    • Cassie becomes a faceless victim
    • Al depicted as a ‘promising young man’
  • What occurs in the rom-com montage (1:03 - 1:06)?
    • Ryan appears too good to be true
    • "Stars are Blind" creates a sound bridge
    • Cassie's vibrant pink costume symbolizes feelings
    • Crosscutting between pharmacy and romance
    • Implication of Cassie being ‘fixed’ by love
  • What happens in the opening scene (0:00 - 8min)?
    • Few women in the club
    • Slow-motion dancing ridicules men
    • First line: ‘Fuck her’ from businessmen
    • Men in ‘nice guy uniform’
    • Jerry initially appears as protagonist
    • Ominous tone accompanies Cassie's fourth wall break