Globalisation and fundamentalism

Cards (12)

  • Religious fundamentalism
    Keeping to the core principles of the religion, interpret religious texts literally, say all society should follow this
  • Bruce - religious fundamentalism (reaction)

    Religious fundamentalism = reaction to:
    • modernisation: rational thought, disenchantment
    • societalisation: intimate communities to complex cities, society becomes fragmented
    • permissiveness - allowing people to do what they want e.g. gay marriage
    • western world and egalitarianism (equal rights) - western world moved towards equal rights e.g. gender equality - right to vote, reproduction rights
    • developing world = more likely to conform to religious fundamentalism, reaction to the power of the West
  • Bruce - religious fundamentalism
    Monotheism - fundamentalism, believe in one god, one text/god, easier to say that is law
  • Almond et al - religious fundamentalism

    Western secular rationalism = fundamentalism = reaction to dominance of the Western world with secular approach and rationalism
    • inequality and deprivation - as people are getting poorer, they find radical religious groups appealing in response to poverty
    • cultural defense - ethnic minorities react against prejudice by turning to religious fundamentalism - rejection of US culture
    • Western imperialism - fundamentalism is defensive response to Western imperialism
  • Giddens - religious fundamentalism

    • inclusive, multi-cultural culture in cities
    • challenges religious fundamentalism
  • Castells - religious fundamentalism
    Project identity - to be diverse, inclusive
    Resistance identity - resisting diversity and inclusivity, want to retain traditions
  • Davie - religious fundamentalism
    Secular fundamentalism
    • anti religion, reaction to religious groups + revivals
    • people believing in no god, want religion gone
    • Often disrespectful to religion e.g. in France, not allowed to wear hijab in schools
    Postmodernity - metanarratives questioned
    • religious fundamentalism = reaction to the rejection of religious metanarratives
    • secular fundamentalism = reaction to religious fundamentalism
  • Huntingdon - globalisation

    Clash of civilisations
    • conflict between Islam and West: Islam is incompatible with Western values
    Nation state in decline
    • lack of importance in national identity, so people turn to religious identity
    Global interconnectedness
    • through internet and mass migration
    • leads to disputes and conflicts about religious beliefs and practices = clash of civilisations
  • Critique: Huntingdon - globalisation
    It is not conflict between Islam and West but Western influence trying to interfere which causes other countries to resist
  • Bruce - globalisation
    Cultural defense - turning to religion as a defense to resist influence of powerful, foreign country
    • Poland and USSR, Solidarity, Roman Catholicism
    • Iran and the West, became fundamentalism Islamic state in response to West
  • Nanda - globalisation

    Economic growth in developing world
    India's new middle class
    • Capitalism in India = people get rich, quickly
    • as people get richer, Hinduism increasing
    • Tele-gurus = preachers on internet, say you can stay spiritually balanced - as long as you spend money on Hindu rituals, celebrations, temples etc
  • Lehmann - globalisation
    Spread of Christianity
    • first wave of Christian globalisation via colonialism, impose it on people
    • second wave of through Pentecostalism = empowering the poor, effective in motivating people to abandon drinking, drugs etc. helps global development
    • 'Africanisation of Christianity' - success spreading Pentecostalism because it integrates with the local culture, service in different languages