revision questions

Cards (8)

  • What is a biome?
    A region of the earths surface that has similar climate, soils, plants, and animals
  • What is the hot desert biome characterised by?
    High temperatures and low precipitation.
  • How many less mm of rain per year does the Hot desert biome have?
    There is usually less than 100mm of rain per year
  • Rainfall is lowest at which desert in which country.
    Atacama Desert in Chile
  • How much average rainfall does the Atacama Desert of Chile get per year?
    less than 15 mm per year.
  •  When it does rain in the Atacama desert tends to be what?
    tends to be concentrated in short bursts.
  • In the Atacama desert there is rapid runoff which leads to low levels of what?
  • What does infiltration mean?
    its the process whereby rain enters the soil