Evaluation of daily hassles

Cards (4)

  • Evaluation - research support
    -Daily hassles are strongly linked with health and behaviour. PP completed the HSUP which measures general health, job performance and work absenteeism. They found daily hassles were strong predictors of poor health, job performance and absenteeism. Minor daily inconveniences can accumulate and have significant effects in health and wellbeing.
  • Evaluation - retrospective data
    -Self report as the PP had to recall the daily hassles they had experienced over the pervious month.
    -May not accurately remember what happened and usefulness of data depends on how good their memory is and what they can remember.
    -Therefore lacks internal validity.
  • Considers individual differences
    -People will perceive a certain stressor in a completely different way to another person.
    -For example, losing your keys one person may think its the end of the world and another person will find a solution to the problem.
    -People are more likely to be honest when self reporting about daily hassles as these are minor inconveniences that aren't that personal compared to life changes.
  • Correlational data
    -Number of daily hassles experienced is correlated with psychological wellbeing.
    -Amount of sleep and existing mental illness could affect psychological wellbeing.