Daily hassles

Cards (6)

  • Daily hassles
    -are relatively minor events that arise in the course of a normal day.
    -Daily hassles are proximal sources of stress because their effects are direct and immediate.
  • Examples of daily hassles
    -stuck in traffic
    -Woke up late
    -Lost keys/phone
    -Too much to do in little time
    -Late for school
  • Examples of daily uplifts
    -Someone complementing you
    -Doing well in a test
    -Getting good news
    -Having favourite lunch
  • The hassles and uplifts scale - Kanner et al
    -Consists of 53 questions that ask individuals positive and negative experiences that happen in everyday life.
    -Self report measure assesses how may hassles a person experiences and how sever the hassle is.
    -Each item is scored twice, once for hassle and one for uplifts, scale of 0-3.
    -Results are correlated with measures of psychological wellbeing, measure the relationship between hassles and uplifts.
  • Daily uplifts
    -daily enjoyable things that give us small boost of happiness and offsets the stress.
  • Key study - Kanner at al
    -Aim: to investigate whether daily hassles are better predictors of psychological ill health than life changes.
    -Procedure: 100 PP aged 45-64 years completed the the hassles scale for 9 months. PP also completed a scale to measure life changes and Hopkins symptoms checklist which measures psychological symptoms of anxiety and depression.
    -Findings: found a significant positive correlation between hassles frequency and psychological symptoms at start and end of study. The more hassles a person experiences the more severe psychological symptoms were.