Influence of early attachment

Cards (14)

  • Internal working model - mental representation / template of relationships based on attachment experiences as a child and the main attachment formed usually with the mother.
  • Hazan and Shaver placed " the Love Quiz " in the newspaper
  • The Love Quiz asked about current attachment experiences, attachment history and attitudes to love
  • The Love Quiz had 620 responses, 415 women and 205 men
  • Hazan and Shaver found a correlation between previous attachment type and later love experiences
  • Securely attached ppts were happy and trusting
  • Attachments were similar to childhood experiences
  • Secure attachment type was the most dominant, then resistant, then avoidant
  • The Love Quiz showed evidence that attachment type behaviours are reflected in adult romantic relationships because of the IWM
  • The Love Quiz results:
    56 % secure
    35 % avoidant
    19 % resistant
  • AO3. There are methodological issues with Hazan and Shaver's study. They used questionnaires, meaning ppts could have easily lied, or altered their answers due to social desirability bias. This means that the findings of the study might not reflect real life, and the study lacks internal validity
  • AO3. The study was done in retrospect. Looking back on the past may not be as accurate because it is based on memory and ppts may make assumptions about what happened. However, Simpson also found that securely attached infants had more friends at 16 and more relationships as adults. This shows that despite the weaknesses of Hazan and Shavers studies, there are other studies showing similar results.
  • AO3. This is overly deterministic. Many ppts experienced happy relationships despite insecure attachments in their childhood. Insecure attachment types are also reversible if their future relationships are possible or if they go through therapy. This shows that future relationships are not completely determined by the IWM and the theory is deterministic for saying so
  • AO3. There is an alternative explanation. Feary says that the attachment style is determined by the relationship, not the individual, and some people may seek out other individuals who bring out certain attachment types. Adult relationships could be causing the attachment style, not the childhood experiences. This shows that other explanations may be better