Humanistic A01

Cards (13)

  • Free will
    The human approach differs from all the other approaches and claims that humans are self-determining and have free will. We are active agents who have the ability to determine or own development
  • Rogers and Maslow
    Reject scientific models that attempt to establish general principles of human behaviour and as active agents, we are all unique
  • Psychology according to HP
    Psychology should be concern itself with study of subjective experiments than general law. HP often referred to as person centred approach in psychology
  • Self-actualisation
    Every person has an innate tendency to achieve their full potential and be the best they can be. SA is the uppermost level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs
  • Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
    Physiological Needs, Safety and Security, Love and belongingness, Self Esteem, Self Actualisation. All of the 4 levels (deficiency needs ) must be met before an individual can towards SA (growth need)
  • Personal growth
    Essential part of what it is to be human and developing/changing as a person to be fulfilled, satisfied and goal-orientated but not
  • Psychological barriers
    Not everyone can achieve personal growth because of psychological barriers preventing people to reach their potential
  • The self, congruence and conditions of worth
    Rogers claims that for SA to be achieved the concept of the 'self' and 'ideal self' must be congruent. If too big of a gap exists between the 2, person will be state of incongruence and SA will not be made possible due to negative feelings of self-worth that arise from incongruence
  • Solution to reduce the gap
    To reduce the gap, Rogers developed Client centred Therapies to help people cope with problems of everyday living
  • Client-centred therapy
    Therapy had patients be called clients as Rogers believed they were experts on their condition. For Rogers, an effective therapist is genuine ,empathetic and provides unconditional positive regard. This should increase client's feelings of self-worth reducing incongruence
  • Effects of Client-centred therapy
    Produced a variety of counselling techniques throughout the UK/US and is best applied to treatment of wild psychological conditions
  • Cause of low esteem
    Rogers claims that low esteem is rooted in childhood and can be explained by a lack of unconditional positive regard from parents
  • Conditions of worth
    A parent who uses conditions of worth stores up psychological problems for child in the future which is why Rogers uses unconditional positive regard in his therapies