explanations of conformity

Cards (13)

  • what are the 2 explanations of conformity?
    1. normative social influence
    2. informational social influence
  • define normative social influence
    conforming to be liked or accepted by a group
  • which type of conformity links to normative social influence?
  • explain normative social influence
    people conform to avoid rejection or gain social approval
  • link a study to support normative social influence
    Asch - participants conformed to avoid social rejection
  • define informational social influence
    conforming to be right because we believe others have more knowledge
  • which type of conformity links to informational social influence?
  • explain informational social influence
    happens in ambiguous situations where people look to others for guidance
  • link a study to support informational social influence
    Lucas et al - students more likely to conform on difficult maths questions
  • weakness - NSI & ISI work together
    • not mutually exclusive
    • Asch found conformity dropped when anonymous (NSI) but increased when difficult (ISI)
    • challenges idea of functioning independently
  • who proposed the two explanations of conformity?
    deutsch and gerard
  • strength - research support for ISI
    • sherif
    • autokinetic effect found when in groups conformed to common estimate
    • lack real-world relevance
  • strength - research support for NSI
    • asch
    • 37% conformed to avoid rejection
    • cultural differences