Movement of water through xylem

Cards (36)

  • What can root pressure do in the xylem?
    Push water up against gravity
  • What is guttation in plants?
    Water forced out at leaf tips
  • What causes root pressure?
    Active transport of ions into the stele
  • How does water flow into the roots?
    By passive flow due to water potential
  • Why is root pressure limited in tall plants?
    Gravity counteracts the upward pressure
  • What is the main theory explaining water movement in the xylem?
    Cohesion-tension theory
  • What type of molecules is water?
    Polar molecules
  • What forms between negative oxygen and positive hydrogen atoms in water?
    Hydrogen bonds
  • What is cohesion in water molecules?
    Water molecules stick together
  • What is adhesion in water molecules?
    Water attracted to charged/polar molecules
  • What is the transpiration stream?
    A constant stream of water from roots to leaves
  • What happens to stomata during the day?
    They open to let CO2 in
  • What occurs when water vapor leaves the plant?
    It lowers the water potential in leaves
  • What creates a water potential gradient in plants?
    Difference in water potential between soil and air
  • How is water lost from leaves replaced?
    By evaporation from mesophyll cells
  • What happens as water evaporates from the leaves?
    It is replaced by water from mesophyll cells
  • What role do adhesive and cohesive properties of water play?
    They maintain a continuous water column
  • What creates tension in the xylem water column?
    Evaporation of water from leaves
  • How does cohesion transmit pulling force in water?
    It connects water molecules throughout the xylem
  • How does adhesion help in water movement?
    It resists gravity by sticking to xylem walls
  • What is the waterproof band in the endodermis called?
    Casparian Strip
  • What is the function of the Casparian Strip?
    It blocks water from the apoplast pathway
  • What does the Casparian Strip force water to enter?
    The symplast pathway
  • How does water move through the symplast pathway?
    Through the cytoplasm and plasmodesmata
  • Why is it important for plants to control which substances enter the xylem?
    To absorb essential minerals and prevent harm
  • What process creates a lower water potential in endodermal cells?
    Active transport of minerals
  • Which minerals are actively transported into the cytoplasm?
    Potassium and nitrate
  • How does lower water potential in endodermal cells affect water movement?
    It helps draw in water by osmosis
  • What is the overall effect of the regulated movement of water into the xylem?
    It allows absorption of essential minerals
  • What does the regulation of water movement prevent?
    Harmful substances from entering the vascular system
  • What is suberin?
    A waterproof substance in the endodermis
  • What does the apoplast pathway refer to?
    Spaces between cell walls
  • What is the role of plasmodesmata?
    They connect the cytoplasm of adjacent cells
  • What is the function of the xylem?
    Transporting water and minerals
  • What is osmosis?
    Movement of water across a membrane
  • How is the movement of water from soil to xylem described?
    It is carefully regulated