Anti-semitic legislation 1882-94

Cards (7)

  • The May laws of 1882 effectively condemned the Jews to living in ghettos in cities and towns.
  • 1882: May Laws and Army law.
  • The number of Jews admitted to schools and unis is regulated by quotas: 10% within the Pale 5% outside the Pale and 3% in the capitals. Jews are prohibited from settling in Finland.
  • Jews are banned from participation in local elections and prohibited from the right to be elected to town dumas.
  • Non-christians are forbidden from buying property in the provinces  and it is illegal for Jews to adopt a 'christian' name.
  • A separate decree of 1882 also decreased the number of Jewish doctors permitted in the Russian army because doctors possessed the rights of army officers a privilege otherwise unattainable for Jews.
  • These laws were supposedly temporary but were in practice constantly revised and tightened.