tort of defamation

Cards (14)

  • restriction on article 10
  • 2 forms - libel and slander
  • libel - permanent form (written)
  • slander - transient form (spoken/gestures)
  • statement must be defamatory meaning an ordinary person would think less of claimant as a result (steel and morris v mcdonalds)
  • statement must identify or refer to claimant and be published to third party
  • defamation act 2013 - claimants must show publication of statement caused/likely to cause serious harm, for businesses serious financial loss
  • defamation act 2013 - claim for slander requires proof of special damage
  • defences - s2 - truth
  • defences - s3 - honest opinion
  • defences - s4 - public interest to publish
  • defences - s5 - internet defences, operator of website didn't publish can prove who did
  • defences - s6 - peer reviewed statements in journals
  • s7 - privilege - absolute (judicial/parliamentary), qualified (fair accurate reports on matter of public interest)