Western front

Cards (121)

  • What did the Geneva protocol add in 1925
    Gas attacks in war
  • Thomas splint reduced fatalities by leg fractures from
    80% to 20%
  • 4 main gas weapons during the war
  • shell shock
    psychological illness caused by constant artillery bombardment
  • Developments in surgery and medicine during the war
    Treat all wounds as infected
    Syringe cannula blood transfusions
    The Thomas splint
  • by April 1917. the German imperial army on the western front retreated to
    the Hindenburg line
  • radiotherapy was used to treat cancer from
  • 1914 Albert Hustin
    Discovered how to store blood for long periods without clotting
  • 1938
    British national blood transfusion service was opened
  • 1895
    Wilhelm röntgen discovered X-rays
  • 1917, battle of Cambrai
    Blood collected before battle to treat soldiers
    Worlds first blood bank
  • First blood bank
    1917 Cambrai
  • What does RAMC
    Royal army medical corps
  • Western front was where
    Are in Belgium and France where the allies fought the German imperial army from 1914 to 1918
  • Archibald mclndoe
    by ww2 he was using drugs such as penicillin to treat soldiers with facial wounds
  • 1917 queens hospital in Kent established
    to treat soldiers with facial wounds
  • Harold gillies
    set up a unit to transplant skin for soldiers with facial wounds
  • Advances in ww1
    Plastic surgery
    Blood transfusions
  • Ideal trench depth
    6 foot
  • July 1916 many british lives lost when
    Tried to penetrate the german line at the Somme
  • Between 1900 and 1901 Karl Landsteiner
    Discovered different blood types. Type A B AB and O.
  • Trench foot
    Caused by standing in flooded trenches for so long
  • X-rays first used in
  • curie developed
    mobile X-ray machines
  • xrays discovered by
  • 3 parallel lines of trenches
  • primary role of the FANY
    Field ambulance
  • FANY
    first aid nursing yeomanry corps
  • 4 main relay posts in the RAMCs chain of evacuation
    Regimental aid post (RAPs)
    Dressing stations
    Casualty clearing station
    Base hospitals
  • What were X-ray machines used for
    Locate broken bones, bullets, metal shards and shrapnel in bodies and wounds
  • Chain of evacuation systems aimed to
    Move casualties with the highest chance of surviving to medical areas as quickly as possible
  • Aseptic surgery
    Joseph lister used first antiseptic in 1865 and it led to the development of aseptic surgery
  • aseptic surgery means
    removing all the germs before surgery
  • because of listers work by late 1800s most operations used aseptic methods
    surgeons washed their hands, face and arms
    rubber gloves and gowns worn
    surgical instruments were steam sterilised
    air sterilised by being pumped through a heating system
  • x-rays discovered
    Accidentally by German physicist Wilhelm roentgen in 1895
  • Because of X-rays
    Radiology departments opened in some British hospitals as early as 1896.
    This meant that doctors were now able to look inside the body without cutting them open
  • issues with early x-rays
    people didn’t understand the risks of radiation
    patients could suffer burns or hair loss because of the radiation
    Roentgen developed a table-top machine, but the glass tube used was fragile and easily broken
    X-ray took about 90 minutes
    Larger x-ray machines hard to move around
  • blood transfusions and banks
    blood loss was still a major problem during surgery in the late 1800s now doctors had anaesthetics and antiseptics, they often attempted more complex operations
  • James blundell
    carried out the first human blood transfusion in 1818, because blood could not be stored for later use,
    earlier transfusions involved the donor being directly connected to the recipient by a tube.
  • how many transfusions did blundell perform
    10 but only 5 were successful