Learning theory explanation of attachment

Cards (4)

  • Learning theory explanations
    -Attachment is learned and conditioned.
    -Dollard and Miller, cupboard love theory assumes that a learned feeding association is the main part of attachment.
  • Classical conditioning - Pavlovian learning
    -The food is the conditioned stimulus which produces an unconditioned response of joy from the baby. The mother is the neutral stimulus causing no response from the baby. When pairing mother (NS) and food (UCS) together in temporal contiguity and become associated causing UCR from baby crying. Mother is now the conditioned stimulus and causes a conditioned response of happiness.
  • Operant conditioning
    -theorises that attachment behaviours are maintained and strengthened via positive/negative reinforcement.
    -e.g. Infant cries and results in feeding and removal of hunger which is negative reinforcement as removing something uncomfortable.
  • Drive reduction theory
    -Operant conditioning food satisfies the infants hunger and makes it feel comfortable again. Food is the primary reinforcer as innately reinforces. Secondary reinforcer is mother when associated infant becomes attached to mother as a source if reward.