Caregiver-infant interactions

Cards (5)

  • Attachment
    strong, reciprocal emotional bond between two individuals.
  • Key words
    -Proximity: stay physically close to the baby.
    -Separation distress: mum and baby become distressed when separated.
    -Secure based behaviour: infant will always come back to caregiver.
    -Stranger anxiety: stressed when left in care of someone unfamiliar.
    -Reciprocity: the mutual exchange of responses between an infant and their caregiver (back and forth communication).
    -Interactional Synchrony: the temporal coordination (respond in a timely manner) of behaviours between an infant and their caregiver interactions.
  • Meltzoff and Moore
    -Aim: to investigate the age at which imitation occurs in a new-born.
    -Procedure: they videotaped 12-21 day old babies as watched an adult display one of three facial expressions and child response was filmed and identified by observers.
    -Results: they found an association between behaviour of adult and baby behaviour. They attempted to imitate what caregiver does.
  • Tronick at al - Still face procedure
    -Caregiver and baby interact normally then caregiver is instructed to hold a 'still face' , doesn't engage in reciprocal interaction.
    -Reaction of baby is recorded
    -Firstly infant starts to try and get mothers attention by giggling and waving its arms towards them. Then they start crying and start to turn away.
  • Isabella and Belskey:
    -Shows timing matters when responding to the infant.
    -Studied 153 mothers with their first born child. Forst obsereved when child was 3 months old. Did further observations up to 9 months.
    -Secure attachment was found when mother interacts in a timely and rewarding manner.
    -Insecure attachment was found when mother was less synchronous and unresponsive.