
Cards (7)

  • Forres is Duncan’s castle. The initial battle against the Norwegians takes place here. This becomes Macbeth’s castle when he is crowned. Banquo is killed close by.
  • Inverness is where Macbeth's castle is before he becomes king. This is where Macbeth and Lady Macbeth kill Duncan.
  • Fife is where Macduff and his family live (and where his family are killed)
  • Birnam Wood is a forest near Dunsinane Hill. It is included in the witches’ prophecies.
  • Dunsinane Hill is a hill on which Macbeth has a castle. This is where he stays to await Malcolm's troops.
  • Scone is where Macbeth is crowned king and, at the end of the play, where Malcolm is crowned.
  • Cawdor and Glamis are the lands given to Macbeth with the title of Thane.