Forres is Duncan’s castle. The initial battle against the Norwegians takes place here. This becomes Macbeth’s castle when he is crowned. Banquo is killed close by.
Inverness is where Macbeth's castle is before he becomes king. This is where Macbeth and Lady Macbeth kill Duncan.
Fife is where Macduff and his family live (and where his family are killed)
Birnam Wood is a forest near Dunsinane Hill. It is included in the witches’ prophecies.
Dunsinane Hill is a hill on which Macbeth has a castle. This is where he stays to await Malcolm's troops.
Scone is where Macbeth is crowned king and, at the end of the play, where Malcolm is crowned.
Cawdor and Glamis are the lands given to Macbeth with the title of Thane.