Social impact theory

Cards (10)

  • Bibb latane 1981 suggested an alternative explanation which looks at how likely we are to be influenced by other people
  • The person being impacted on is the target and the one doing the influencing is the source
  • Strength - status authority or age like in Perrin and Spencer
    Immediacy - The distance in space and time between source and target
    Number - How many sources and targets
  • Multiplication of impact is where social impact becomes stronger
  • Division of impact is where influence is weakened
  • I = f(sin) mathematical formula for social impact theory
  • Evidence for
    + supported by research by Asch milligram and lantane
    + One of milgrams studies where two peers dissented and obedience dropped to 10%
    + Variation 7 shows proximity affects
    + Sedikides and Jackson 1990 where people obeyed a zookeeper in formal uniform more than informal
  • Evidence against
    = Ignores individual difference
    = Doesn't explain why just under what conditions
  • Methodology
    + Both lab and field were used increasing scientifically credible - good cause and effect
    = Using a mathematical formula is reductionist
  • Applications
    + Mathematical formula predicts how people will behave
    + High reliability (predictions good)
    = Static rather than dynamic as it does not take into account how the target and source interact
    = Limited in types of social situation