
Cards (15)

  • What is the population of India?
    1.4 billion
  • What percentage of the world's population does India represent?
  • What is the current population growth rate of India?
    1.6% per year
  • What will India's population reach by 2040 if current growth rates continue?
    2 billion
  • What is the main reason for India's population growth?
    High birth rates
  • What is India's birth rate?
    22 per 1,000
  • Why are birth rates high in India?
    Large families are highly regarded
  • How are children perceived in Indian culture?
    As a blessing and sign of virility
  • Why do many poor families in India have children?
    To help farm and care for them
  • What is the current death rate in India?
    6 per thousand
  • Why has the death rate in India fallen recently?
    Improvements in healthcare and sanitation
  • What trend is observed in India's population growth?
    The growth is slowing down
  • What was the Total Fertility Rate in India in 2015?
  • What does the Total Fertility Rate represent?
    The average number of children per woman
  • Which country has the largest population in the world?
