WT: Katep65: 'Half of you would be twice as good as other men'
WT: 'I have made little red crosses to hang around the chicken's necks so people know they are proper war workers!' Light-hearted in every aspect.
WT: 'We see Kate Roberts in spotlight'
WT: Equality in speech with Kate - 'And accuse them of being... Chicken!' They both dissolve into laughter.
WT: Lady Somersby: Sycophant 'Mr David Lloyd George who is not only Prime Minister but also a very good friend of mine?'
Regen: 'In her world, men loved women as the fox loved the hare. And women loved men as a tapeworm loves the gut' Men are predatory and women just need men to survive. Ada Lumb
Regen: 'In his khaki, Prior moved among them like a ghost. Only Sarah connected him to the jostling crowd, and he put his hand around her, clasping her tightly, though at that moment he felt no stirring of desire'
Regen: They seemed to have changed so much during the war, to have expanded in all kinds of ways, whereas men over the same period had shrunk into a smaller and smaller space.
"as much contempt as affection for any woman who is, like her, sexually available" (Mullan on Prior's feelings towards Sarah)