
Cards (64)

  • What is the primary function of connective tissue?
    Support and connect other tissues
  • What is the major constituent of connective tissue?
    The extracellular matrix (ECM)
  • What are the three components of connective tissue?
    • Cells
    • Ground substance
    • Fibers
  • From what embryonic tissue does connective tissue originate?
    Embryonic mesenchyme
  • What is one function of connective tissue related to tissue attachment?
    Attachment of one tissue to another
  • How does connective tissue defend the body?
    Through the immune system
  • What structural role does connective tissue play in the body?
    Establishing a structural framework
  • What are fibroblasts?
    The major cells of connective tissue proper
  • What is the shape and function of fibroblasts?
    Elongated, irregularly shaped cells that synthesize ECM
  • What is the role of growth factors in fibroblasts?
    Influence cell growth and differentiation
  • What is a myofibroblast?
    A fibroblast involved in wound healing
  • Why do connective tissue stains appear visible?
    Due to fibroblasts containing RER and Golgi apparatus
  • How does a fibrocyte differ from a fibroblast?
    Fibrocyte is inactive and smaller
  • What are adipocytes specialized for?
    Storage of triglycerides
  • What is mesenchyme?
    Embryological tissue for connective tissue
  • What is the shape of mesenchymal cells?
    Irregular, star or spindle-shaped
  • What is the function of macrophages in connective tissue?
    Phagocytosis and ECM turnover
  • What are the major locations and functions of the mononuclear phagocyte system?
    • Monocyte: Blood, precursor of macrophages
    • Macrophage: Connective tissue, inflammation, antigen processing
    • Kupffer Cell: Liver, same as macrophages
    • Microglial Cell: CNS, same as macrophages
    • Langerhans Cell: Epidermis, antigen processing
    • Dendritic Cell: Lymph nodes, antigen processing
    • Osteoclast: Bone, digestion of bone matrix
    • Multinuclear Giant Cell: Connective tissue, digestion of foreign bodies
  • What do mast cells release during allergic reactions?
    Vasoactive agents and substances
  • What do plasma cells specialize in?
    Secretion of specific antibodies
  • What is the role of leukocytes in connective tissue?
    Surveillance against bacterial invaders
  • What are the two types of cells in connective tissue?
    • Wandering Cells: Macrophages, mast cells, plasma cells, leukocytes
    • Fixed/Resident Cells: Mesenchymal cells, fibroblasts/fibrocytes, adipocytes
  • What is the ground substance in connective tissue?
    A semi-solid gel filling space between cells
  • What are glycosaminoglycans (GAGs)?
    Long polymers of repeating disaccharide units
  • What is the function of proteoglycans in connective tissue?
    Bind to hyaluronic acid and other matrix molecules
  • What is fibronectin's role in connective tissue?
    Forms insoluble fibrillar networks
  • What is the function of laminin in connective tissue?
    Provides adhesion for epithelial and other cells
  • What are the three main types of fibers in connective tissue?
    • Collagen
    • Reticular
    • Elastic Fibers
  • What is the most abundant protein in the human body?
  • What is the evolutionary significance of collagen?
    Forms strong extracellular fibers and networks
  • How is collagen secreted into the extracellular matrix?
    As a tropocollagen monomer
  • What are the types of collagens?
    • Type I: Most abundant, found in skin, bone
    • Type II: Found in cartilage
    • Type III: Found in reticular fibers
    • Type IV: Found in basal laminae
    • Type V: Found in cell surfaces, hair, and placenta
  • What type of networks do connective tissues form?
    Insoluble fibrillar networks
  • What are the binding sites of laminin?
    Integrins, type IV collagen, proteoglycans
  • What are the three main types of connective tissue fibers?
    • Collagen
    • Reticular
    • Elastic Fibers
  • What is the main fiber type found in most supporting tissues?
  • Why were collagens selected during evolution?
    For their ability to form strong extracellular fibers
  • What is the form in which collagen is secreted into the extracellular matrix?
    Tropocollagen monomer
  • Where is type I collagen primarily found?
    Fibrous supporting tissue, skin, tendons
  • How do type I collagen fibers appear under a light microscope?
    They stain pink with H&E