Daycare- straightforward for babies in asocial / indiscriminate attachment stage- can be comforted by any skilledadult
Schaffer & Emerson’s research- may be problematic during specific attachment stage (unfamiliar adult)
Explanation of stages- practicalapplication, can influence parents’ decision to send children to daycare
Weakness- Stages lack testability:
Schaffer & Emerson based theory on research findings that reflect child-rearing practices of 1960s- using working class population
Decreases validity- lacks generalisability, not applicable to life nowadays
Strength- Supporting Evidence for Specific attachment stage:
Schaffer & Emerson- studied 60 infants from workingclass homes in Glasgow
Studied until the age of 1year, visited again at 18months
Observations / interviews were used- most babies started to show separationanxiety from their attachment figure from around (25-32 weeks)- supports specific attachment stage
However- some data collected unreliable, based on mothers’ reports on their infants / socialdesirability issues (wonder what investigators would think of them)
Creates systematicbias- would decrease validity of the data