
Cards (78)

  • define productivity
    output per unit of input
  • define production
    the process of turning inputs into outputs
  • define specialisation
    focusing on a narrow range of tasks
  • what is the division of labour
    different workers focus on performing different tasks in the course of production
  • what is meant by exchange
    to give something in return for something else
  • what is the medium of exchange
    a commonly accepted method of payment that allows for goods to be traded without barter (often cash)
  • how can specialisation increase productivity
    it can improve skills needed for production
    this makes production quicker
    leads to less waste / better quality
  • how can specialisation be a bad thing
    it can lead to boredom/ motivation problems within the work force
  • what is meant by a double coincidence of wants
    two people have gods they are both happy to swap in exchange
  • why does specialisation require a medium of exchange
    when specialisation occurs trade is required so a medium of exchange is needed to facilitate this
  • why does productivity matter
    increases international competitiveness
    better use of scarce resources
    increases productive capacity
    decreases cost per unit - can lead to a fall in prices for consumers
  • how can productivity be improved
    quality of labour (education)
    motivation of labour
    organisation of labour
    selection of land
    using fertilisers
    quality of the tech
  • state the law of diminishing marginal returns
    adding a variable factor of production to a fixed factor of production will eventually lead to marginal returns falling
  • explain diminishing marginal returns
    initially increasing variable factors leads to increasingly large increases in outputs. this is a increasing marginal returns and happens due to a n increase in productivity caused by a division of labour and specialisation.
    however in the long run due to a fixed factor of production productivity falls. this means eventually output will increase by smaller and smaller amounts in other words a marginal returns will diminish.
  • Diagram for dmr
  • what is meant by the short run
    when one factor of production is in fixed supply
  • what is meant by the long run
    when its possible to alter all fcators of production
  • what is meant by returns
  • what is meant by marginal returns
    the increase in output when one more factor of input is added
  • what is an average return
    total output divided by the number of workers
  • what is the long run production theory
    returns to scale
  • what is needed for returns to scale
    investment in all factors of production
  • what does the type of return to scale depend on
    the extent to which scale improves productivity
  • what are the 3 types of returns to scale
  • define decreasing returns to scale
    where an increase in the scale of all factors of production leads to a less than proportionate increase in output
  • define constant returns to scale
    where an increase in the scale of all factors of production leads to a proportionate increase in output
  • define increasing returns to scale

    where an increase in the scale of all factors of production leads to a more than proportionate increase in output
  • give factors that can influence whether scale is increasing or decreasing
    if using a modern level of technology returns are lielky to be increasing
    if using an efficient production process through specialisation and division of labour scale is likely to be increasing
    the opposite may cause decreasing returns to scale
  • what problems can be caused by increasing scale (can lead to decreasing returns)
    these all become harder leading to a greater likelihood of inefficiency
  • define cost
    an amount of money that a business spends to make a product or provide a service
  • what is a fixed cost
    costs of production that do not change when the number of products made does
  • what is a variable cost
    costs of production that vary when the number of products made changes
  • what is total costs
    fixed costs + variable costs
  • what is meant by average total cost
    total cost divided by output (unit cost)
  • what is marginal cost
    the change in total costs that result from producing one additional unit of output
  • what is the relationship between productivity and average total costs
    ceteris paribus when productivity rises costs per unit fall
  • draw the costs curve
    insert here
  • explain the shape of marginal cost curves
    production increases from low outputs by adding factors of production
    productivity increases due to specialisation and division of labour
    productivity rising means that the cost t produce one more unit falls as output rises
    increases production from high levels of output
    this leads top problems with productivity due to fixed factors of production
    decreasing productivity means that the cost to produce one more unit increases
  • what is the long run cost theory
    economies and diseconomies of scale
  • define economies of scale
    proportionate saving in costs gained by an increased level of production