Left realism

Cards (7)

  • Left realism
    Left realist are more sympathetic to the individuals and therefore blames the conditions within society for creating poorer people.
  • Relative deprivation
    refers to the inequality the idea that people are derived compared with others in society. Left realist suggest that thus alongside marginalisation and subculutres is a significant cause of crime
  • relative deprivation criticism
    they argue it fails to explain why some people fail to take part in social movements to attain the rights of the things they dont have
  • subculutres
    crime is a group response to blocked opportunities. Young: people in ghettos in the USA subscribe t the american dream. blocked opportunities lead individuals to resort to crime to fulfil dream though
  • subculutres criticism
    assumes that the is a value consensus and crime only occurs when consensus breaks down
  • Marginalisation
    Where people lack the power or resources to fully participate in society. Marginalise roux lack both clea goals and organisations to represent their interests
  • marginalisation criticism
    marginalisation is an excuse for inadequate socilisaion