Right realist often blame the individuals themselves for their criminality. This includes inadequate socialisation, a culture of poverty,r atonal thought theories as well as biological reasons
Biological differences
Some people are naturally less intelligent or more aggressive than other. Hernstein and murray: the main cause f crime is low intelligence which is biologically determine
biological differences
Marxist: this argument is flawed becuase it ignored structural influences that causes us to commit crime
socialisation and the underclass
believe that through effective socialisation the rick of criminal behaviour can be controlled. Murray believes in an underclass of immoral and cultural deprived people have emerged who are the most common criminal
socialisation and underclass criticism
cohenfolk devils when the media report on deviant behavior they construct a narrative which features a clear villain
rational choice theory
clarke- the decision to commit crimes is a choice based on rational calculation of the LiKelly consequences
rational choice theory
it ignores wider structural causes such as poverty
broken window theory
Wilson - highlights the snowball effect of allowing minor crimes go unpunished through his broken widow theory.
broken window theory criticism
the impact of the policy in New York appeared to be dramatic with crime levels falling rapidly