Cards (6)

  • What is a weakness(s and E)
    -Schaffer and Emerson found that infants were not most attached to the person who fed them but to the person who gave them the most attention and interacted with them the most
  • Why is this a weakness?
    -therefore contradicts the learning theory of attachment idea that attachment forms due to an association being formed between food and caregiver
  • What is another weakness?(metapelets)
    -Fox (1977) studied attachment bonds between mothers babies and metapelets
    -they found that children were generally more attached to thier mothers despite the metapelets doing the majority of the feeding
    -contradicts learning theory that food is main reason for attachment
  • Define a metapelet
    -specially trained full time carers of newborn infants in a Kibbutz community
  • What is another weakness?
    -Hay and Vespo argue that parents act as a role models for infants and teach hem how to form relationships by their own actions when looking after the child
    -it doesnt not explain why attachments are emotionally intense for both people involved
  • Why is this a weakness?
    -does not take into account all the factors involved in forming an attachment it simply focuses on food