Psychological explanations

Cards (12)

  • Psychological explanation -
    Eysenck’s personality theory -
    • 2000 male prisoners + control of 2500 male students — tested with a questionnaire for PEN = criminals were higher
    • Proposed 3 dimensions that represent behaviours
    • Believed criminal personality was PEN = Psychoticism, Neuroticism, Extraversion
    • P= aggressiveviolent crimes
    • E= seeking danger — theft
    • N= overreacting + unpredictable — self-defence
  • Psychological explanation -
    EysenckBiological basis
    • personality traits come from an inherited nervous system
    • P= high testosteroneaggressive crimes
    • E= under-active nervous system — seeks stimulation
    • N= overreacting-active nervous system — on edge (fight or flight) and impulsive
  • Psychological explanation -
    Eysenck - Socialisation + delayed gratification
    • only effects Extraversion
    • E= difficult to socialise due to their nervous system
    • they’re selfish = hard to teach delayed gratification
    • causes violent crimes + theft = instant gratification
  • Psychological explanation -
    Eysenck - Evaluations -
    S- Validity — replicable - questionnaire used
    S- Interactionalist — looking at biological + sociological levels
    W- Gender bias — only uses men
    W- Questionnaire = subjective + social desirability
    W- Temporal validity - from the 1940s
    W- Oversimplified - Digman — found 5 types of personality to be linked to criminals
    W- Culturally relative - Bartol + Holonchock = Hispanic + African American offenders - less extroverted than control
  • psychological explanation-
    Cognitive criminality - Level of moral reasoning
    • proposed by Kohlbergbehaviours and understandings seen through levels
    • 3 levels with 6 stages
    • Criminality seen in level 1 stage 2 = Hedonistic Orientation — doing whats right for personal gain (alike a child)
    • Level 1 (criminality) - punishment and obedience orientated = pre-conventional morality
  • Psychological explanation -
    Cognitive criminality - Levels of moral reasoning
    W- simplistic - may be rating in the other levels and committing crime
    W- self-report - demand characteristics + please/screw you effect
    W- artificial stimulus - lacks ecological-validity
    W- beta bias - only men used
    S- Palmer + Hollin - 300 non-offenders + 130 offenders — used 11 moral-dilemmas = leSS-mature options were taken by offenders
  • Psychological explanation -
    Cognitive explanation - cognitive distortions
    • Offenders may have biased/dysfunctional thinking about their offence
    • Leading them to legitimise their offence + keep a positive self-image
    • Hostile attribution bias = misinterpretation of social cues/aggression (mainly in unclear situations)
    • Minimisation = justification of personal offending by minimising consequences
  • Psychological explanations -
    Cognitive explanation - Evaluations
    S- Distortions minimisation - Barbaree = 25 rapists, 54% denied committing, 40% minimised harm caused
    S- application to therapy - CBT can be used to alter thoughts + make functional. Practical solution
    W- correlational not causation - cant see the cause of delusions
    W- no falsification - based on inference
    W- only descriptive model
  • Psychological explanation -
    Differential association -
    • Sutherland - ‘everyones associations are different‘ (SLT)
    • Offending is learnt through socialisation + association
    • Learning pro-criminal attitudes — impact of role models (parents, co-workers, friends)
    • positive reinforcement = vicarious reinforcement, rewards, meeting others expectations
    • People exposed to pro-crime > anti-crime = offendingprediction based on: frequency, intensity, duration
  • Psychological explanation -
    Differential association - evaluations -
    S- explains re-offenders = surrounded by pro-criminal attitudes = learning further crime + positivity
    S- can be caught early + counteracted = practical solution
    S- applies to all crime - all learnt through association
    W- subjective - lacks validity as cant be tested
    W- correlational not causation - can be effected by socio-economic variables
    W- environmentally reductionist - ignored genetics
    W- environmentally deterministic - ignores free-will
  • Psychological explanation -
    Psychodynamic approach -
    • Surrounding the superego - morality principle, developed at 5yrs in the Phallic stage, internalised morals from same sex parent
    • Inadequate superego = crime
    • Blackburn’s inadequate superegos
    • weak superego - unable to control ID — from an absent same sex parent
    • deviant superego - deviant internalised morals — deviant same sex parent
    • harsh superego - strict same sex parent — unconscious guilt driven from punishment
    • DEFENCE MECHANISMS = egos protection from ID/SE conflict
    • Displacement, Sublimation (diluted), Rationalisation
  • Psychological explanation -
    Psychodynamic approach - evaluations
    S- Goreta - Freudian style analysis of 10 offenders — found SE disturbance was linked to their crimes (harsh SE)
    W- unfalsifiable - can‘t get evidence for a weak SE + unscientific methods
    W- better explanations - genetic, differential-association
    W- Lewis - interviewed 500 young people + found maternal deprivation didn’t predict offending = complex causation with other factors