Cards (7)

  • Descartes was a substance dualist- he argued that mind and body are distinct substances with different essential properties
  • He bang from a standpoint of absolute scepticism about reality:
    • Sense experience could be deceptive
    • Intellect-based ideas could be mistaken
  • He had three proofs for the existence of the soul
  • First proof: Argument from Doubt
    • He could doubt the existence of his body
    • This ability to doubt meant he could not doubt his existence as a thinking being
    • Therefore, as a thinking being, he was not identical with his body
  • Second proof: Argument from Divisibility and Non-divisibility
    • All bodies take up space and so are divisible
    • Mental states, however, do not and so are not divisible
    • This means that minds are radically different from bodies
  • Third proof: Argument from Clear and Distinct Perception
    • He attributed his perception of two different things to God having created two different things
    • So he had a clear and distinct perception of himself as a thinking being and of his body as a non-thinking being
    • He and his body could exist apart from each other
    • So he was distinct from his body
    • As the mind.soul was not located in space and had no parts to decay, it was immortal
  • What are Descartes' three arguments for the existence of the soul?
    1. Argument from Doubt
    2. Argument from Divisibility and Non-divisibility
    3. Argument from Clear and Distinct Perception