The views stated in support of Plato's dualist ideas apply to Descartes' argument
Challenge to first proof (Argument from Doubt):
Most philosophers view consciousness or the mind as a product of the brain, which is itself a part of the physical body
Challenge to second proof (Argument from Divisibility and Non-divisibility):
Neuroscience shows a close correlation between mind and brain
Challenge to third proof (Argument from Clear and Distinct Perception):
Viewed by many as a circular argument
Challenge from Hume:
The claim that consciousness comes from a non-material subject is in fact a circular argument
Thought may have a material explanation; this is also the most common view of mind in modern thinking
Since souls are not located in space, how do we know that there is only one soul
Arising out of Hume'sthinking, there is the view of many modern philosophers that the self is just an illusion. There is thinking, but there is no 'I' who thinks