
Cards (7)

  • What is a spit?
    A long narrow beach, only attached to land on one side and extends out into open water
  • Why does a spit form?
    Due to longshore drift being stopped by a headland, longshore continues. Then a river (usually) stops the spit from growing any further and connecting to land on another side
  • Why do many spits have recurves or hooks?
    Because of the alternating wind direction
  • Why do spits not extend past the river to another coastline?
    Spits stop growing any further to the river outlet eroding it and removing material
  • Why do sand dunes often develop on a spit
    The prevailing wind picks up dry sand from the spit and carries it inland to form sand dunes
  • What is marram grass and how does it help spits?
    Marram grass grows on sand dunes and increases stability of the spit
  • Why do mudflats and salt marshes often develop behind a spit?
    Because gentle low energy waves entering the sheltered area behind the spit deposit fine silt and mud creating mudflats and salt marshes