Strange situation

Cards (3)

  • Strange situation - aim and procedure
    -Aim: to identify and categorise infant-attachment styles.
    -Procedure: 20-24 minutes, highly standardised situation involving a series of eight episodes to see the response of the infant during exploration to see: use of mother as a secure base, separation/stranger anxiety and reunion with mother.
  • Strange situation - results
    -Mary found 3 distinctive patterns and led her to develop 3 attachment types:
    • secure which is where exploration an use of mother as a secure base is high, stranger anxiety is moderate, separation anxiety is where some children can be soothed by people and reunion was mostly enthusiastic to see the mother.
    • Insecure avoidant is where exploration and use of mother as a secure base is high, stranger anxiety is low, and when mother and child are reunited 22% of children avoid contact.
  • Results:
    • Insecure resistant is where exploration and use of mother as a secure base is low and child is clingy. Separation anxiety child gets distressed. In reunion the child seeks proximity but 12% rejects contact.