membrane permeability

Cards (5)

  • temperature below 0 degrees c -
    • phospholipids don't have much energy so cant move much
    • packed closely together and membrane is rigid
    • channel and carrier proteins deform increasing permeability of the membrane
    • ice crystals may form and pierce the membrane making it highly permeable
  • temperatures between 0 and 45 -
    • phospholipids can move around and aren't packed as closely
    • membrane is partially permeable
    • as temp increases phospholipids move more due to more energy
    • increases permeability of the membrane
  • temperatures above 45 -
    • phospholipid bilayer starts to melt and membrane becomes more permeable
    • water in the cell expands, puts pressure on the membrane
    • channel and carrier proteins deform so cant control what enters and leaves the cell
    • increases permeability
  • Permeability is the ease with which molecules cross biological membranes, either by passive diffusion, active transport, or channel proteins
    1. surrounding cells in a solvent increase permeability of the cell membrane
    2. because solvents dissolve the lipids in a cell membrane so the membrane loses its structure
    3. some solvents increase cell permeability more than others e.g. ethanol more than methanol
    4. increasing conc of a solvent also increases membrane permeability