Sampling Organisms

Cards (19)

  • What should you be able to describe by the end of the video?
    How to measure population size
  • What is the purpose of using sampling techniques in this context?
    To investigate the effect of a factor on distribution
  • What method is used to estimate the total population of daisies?
    • Random sampling
    • Use of quadrats
    • Counting daisies in samples
  • What is the size of the quadrat used in the practical?
    0.5 meters by 0.5 meters
  • How do students select random sampling points in the field?
    By drawing numbers from a bag
  • If a student draws the number 8, where do they place the quadrat?
    At the 8 meter point on one tape measure
  • How many samples do students take in total?
    Ten samples
  • How do you calculate the area sampled using quadrats?
    Area sampled = 0.5×0.5×100.5 \times 0.5 \times 10
  • What is the total area of the field being sampled?
    400 square meters
  • What was the number of daisies counted in the sample?
    300 daisies
  • What is the equation to estimate the total population size?
    Total population size = totalareaareasampled×numberoforganisms\frac{total area}{area sampled} \times number of organisms
  • Why is the total population size an estimate?
    Sampling may not represent the whole area
  • What should you do if you suspect uneven distribution of daisies?
    Increase the number of quadrat throws
  • What is the effect of light intensity on the distribution of daisies?
    • Light intensity affects photosynthesis
    • Daisies may be fewer under trees
    • Measure light intensity with a light meter
  • What tool is used to measure light intensity?
    A light meter
  • How do you conduct a transect line for measuring daisies?
    Place a tape measure from the tree outward
  • What happens to the number of daisies as you move away from the tree?
    It may increase due to higher light intensity
  • What other factors might affect the number of daisies besides light intensity?
    Water and minerals absorption by the tree
  • What should students be aware of regarding the required practical?
    • Potential questions in the workbook
    • Importance of understanding sampling techniques
    • Need for accurate measurements